Clicks and Giggles | Your Backstage Pass to Digital Marketing Strategies

Advertising Isn't Something New

Jordan Rothwell Perry

Welcome to this bonus episode of the Clicks and Giggle Podcast! Jordan's here for a heart to heart from the car and you're along for the ride. Today's topic: Advertising isn't the new kid on the block. 

In this episode, Jordan covers: 

  • Reflecting on the historical context of advertising
  • Exploring various forms of advertising, including social media, billboards, and brick-and-mortar signage
  • Discussion on the benefits of reframing perspectives on advertising
  • Differentiating between organic marketing and paid advertising
  • Emphasizing the importance of reaching target audiences through advertising
  • Offering encouragement and openness to different viewpoints on advertising

Mentioned in the episode: Clicks that Count Group Program


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➡️ Ready to start using paid ads in your business?
Grab my 3 Ways to Know You’re Ready for Ads guide:

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to the Clicks and Giggles podcast. I've just been pondering something and I wanted to chat about it. Let's talk advertising because I and this may be a thought I have or a limiting belief, so if someone else thinks otherwise, please message me, and I like want to get in dialogue about it. But or and ads advertising. So it's funny when people have certain feelings about advertising or ads, I always wonder where it comes from, because people have been advertising for hundreds upon, hundreds upon, dare I say, thousands of years. Right, it just is the vehicle in which something is advertised. Is it a billboard, is it in a newspaper? Are you scrolling a blog post? Are you scrolling social media? Are you searching Google? And then you see something. So my thing has always been trying to reframe people's minds around advertising. Like, yeah, facebook ads, instagram ads, okay, but also you're driving down the road and you see something. There's so many different ways to advertise. Even if you have a brick and mortar out in front of your shop like your sign is an advertisement for you. So people know you're there and you exist. So I've just been. I've seen people it's always people who push organic marketing which, like go off, sis, love that If you don't have organic marketing. It's hard when you're running paid if you're not promoting organically. When I say organically, I mean, are you posting to social media, hitting post, putting something out there? Hitting post, putting something out there and saying you don't use ads for your business? In my opinion, imo is not a flex. It's like you're telling me you're working harder than you necessarily have to. You're telling me, if I had to guess, that maybe you're trying to go viral or you're posting x amount of times a day so people see your stuff. But it's not just that you're trying to go viral, or maybe you're not, or maybe you, secretly you hope you do because people will see you. It's that you can't control who sees your stuff, and so that's the beauty of advertising, right Is you? Can? You can say, hey, I want to reach women only. Hey, I want to reach women only who are 28 to 45. Okay, I want to reach women who are 28 to 45, who only live in the US, who like this or who maybe have been to your website or been to your Instagram, because I I don't know. Maybe this is like a conversation more on going viral too. I was talking to someone who went viral because of their dog on their Instagram and got a ton of followers and a ton of engagement. A ton of just eyeballs. But it was the wrong eyeballs. Those people was people who love dogs. So if they're a coach of women who are struggling with X, well, that doesn't help.

Speaker 1:

So I just want I think this is more like encouragement to view advertising through a different lens of it's. Just a way to have more people find you. And could it be through paid advertising Facebook, instagram, yes. Could it be through Google ads, where people are searching for you, absolutely. Could it be that you have a brick and mortar and you're like we need a better sign, we need signage. Or you know, oh, there's a local I think about my hometown in the Northeast Journal Like, oh, maybe you want to do some print advertising, dip your toes and want to be seen.

Speaker 1:

I'll tell you this nothing against print advertising. I'm a journalism major Shout out to University of Florida and print's expensive. And print's expensive when you see how many people you can reach with Facebook, instagram, google for the same price to put an ad in a journal per se and not know who's looking at it. Whew, go reframe your brain, baby. So. So all this to say I just want, hey. And if you're gung-ho on ads, I love that for you and I love that for me. But if you're pondering or if you're anti, we just want you to ponder. You don't have to change your mind today, but maybe you'd be open to a new thought about it that without advertising and marketing your business, people don't know who you are. So that's my thought of the day.

Speaker 1:

My Clicks that Count program walks you through getting ready for ads and getting them going. If you want to dip your toes in the water, I would love to talk to you and see if it's a good fit. Just message me on Instagram, launchwithjordan, or shoot me an email and let's talk about it. I also have spots open for ad retainers if you have grown your business to a certain point or you're willing to invest. But if you're like I could use getting my business rid of more people, clicks that count is where you should start. Then really just dive in.

Speaker 1:

In fact, one of the program members, katie just I got one of her ads. She's targeting entrepreneurs, targeting women like me, and it made sense that I got it and her ad worked in that capacity. So I mean, I've taught it live. I've taught it live twice, had almost 20 people beta test it and it's the real deal. It can help you. So if you're like I want to get started with ads, that's the place to be.

Speaker 1:

And also, if you're anti-advertising, message me too. I love talking to people when they are. I just want to hear your thoughts and I always say, like, if you've been burned, I'm sorry to hear that and you know we all get burned in different aspects of our life and want to need to give people a second chance. And also, my favorite thing is I may not be your first ads manager, but I will be your last. So just some food for thought on advertising. I want to know what you think. Are you anti-ads? Are you pro it but don't know where to start? Do you have a great advertising team? If so, send it. It's great, Let me know. I hope y'all have a good day.