Clicks and Giggles | Your Backstage Pass to Digital Marketing Strategies

Why Data Matters

Jordan Rothwell Perry Episode 18

Ever wonder why data and analytics are so crucial for your business? In this episode, I dive deep into the importance of tracking your data, understanding conversion rates, and utilizing tools like Google Analytics and Squarespace to optimize your online presence. Learn how to embed forms, analyze user behavior, and make data-driven decisions to boost your business performance. Whether you're just starting out or looking to refine your strategy, this episode is packed with practical advice and tips to help you succeed. Tune in and discover why knowing your numbers is key to making informed and profitable business choices!

Topics covered in this episode:

  • Importance of data and analytics in business.
  • Optimizing landing pages.
  • Testing variables on web pages.
  • Implementation tips for Google Analytics.
  • Strategic use of analytics.
  • Practical advice for tracking and using data.


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Welcome to the Clicks and Giggles podcast. I'm your host, jordan Rothwell-Perry, and I'm here to make your marketing click, connect and convert. My mission is to help good people with great offers make more money through paid digital marketing strategies. I truly believe that one ad can change everything for you and your business. Tune in weekly to unlearn what the bros and insert air quotes agency gurus have led you to believe about advertising and hear from inspiring women in my network who are making business a little more live laugh, launch and a little less stuffy suit and tie, because nobody playing the long game is having a terrible time. Whether you're new to business making millions or you're just my mom tuning in for clicks and giggles, you are welcome here in the room. Get ready for a good, good time. Welcome to the Clicks and Giggles podcast.


Another car moment. And if you work from home or work for yourself, right now it's Friday at 3 pm and these bikers are just like biking, doing their thing like a big biker gang moment, but pedaling, not like motorcycle. Big biker gang moment, but pedaling, not like motorcycle. And I'm like do you guys have jobs? And then I just giggle because I'm like. People probably think that about me. I'm actually on the way to Target. So it is what it is. But I just have always wondered if other people who work for me were like, why are these people out and about? And then you're like, oh, I'm out and about too, anywho. I just was pondering something and I was like, ooh, other people need to know this and it is in.


It is in regards to data and tracking your data, knowing your numbers, all that good stuff, and why Google analytics or even just like having a Squarespace landing page and having Squarespace analytics matter so much? Sometimes, when people come to me, they've been using a Flowdesk landing page to get opt-ins, which is great and I love that, and I do believe now Flowdesk shows, like, the actual conversion rate of the form, which is good. I think don't hold me to that, because most of my clients not most all of my clients who do that switch over to an inline form through Flowdesk that is embedded into a page. So if you're a Squarespace person, which that's my pick then we embed a form into a page. So it's still Flowdesk, your emails still come from Flowdesk, but you own the Squarespace domain and page, which is awesome, and then you can actually see traffic on that page, like where are people coming from? How long are they staying here? You can also see how many people come here and don't opt in. How long were they on the page. How many people come here and don't opt in, how long were they on the page? What's potentially throwing them off here?


And that's where you talk about your conversion rate, right? So 100 people go to your page, 10 people get your freebie. That is a 10% conversion rate and that is something to look at, especially if paid ads are in your near future, whether it is hopefully you coming on board with my agency or you want to give it a whirl yourself first through my clicks that count program. I always want you to know what is your conversion rate, what was this month's conversion rate, what was last month's, what's the overall? Because that's really going to give you a good picture of the health of the pages on your site, on your funnel, just your business in general, like how much traffic do we need to get to a page to get the number of conversions, signups, opt-ins, et cetera that you want? So just really pondering data and tracking it and why it matters pondering data and tracking it and why it matters. And here is another reason why it just makes you a more informed business person. I want you to know these things. I want you to be able to say, oh my gosh, people spend this much time on this page on my site. How interesting is that? Or whoa, people don't spend any time on this page on my site and I need them to. I need them to focus on this page and read it and learn it, because this is where they sign up and I don't want people bouncing from it. So let's make some changes and see if something changes from that. And so I will say, once you get into data and analytics and you start tracking more, make notes.


I like to call it a change log of when you change things so that when you go back in the analytics, you're like, oh yes, oh my gosh, we changed this January 25th and now, a month later, if I compare the dates, like, wow, it's converting 4% better. Or oh, it's actually not converting better, huh, okay. So that's another thing with data and analytics. Once you make the decisions from tracking and you make changes, record what changes you make, because you will truly make yourself crazy going when did we change this, when did we decide and what did we change? Because, should you want to go back, you're going to want to know what it was that's different and things you can change as you're testing. You can change headlines, you can change change as you're testing. You can change headlines, you can change copy on a page, you can change images.


I'm very much like change one variable at a time or else you really won't know how to pinpoint it. You can also test long form, long sales page versus short one. So I just always say, like you need to isolate a variable, or else you're like I have, you know I have. I have no idea it worked, but I have no idea why. And or like hey, this didn't perform as well and we changed it to be a text only page on this date and it dropped off.


So that's really my advice is get Google Analytics on your site and also creating a Google Analytics property in Google Analytics is not all you need to do. You then have to install it on your site. So I also see people who come to me thinking they have Google Analytics, that they've been tracking all this data and unfortunately, they've just made the dang property in Google Analytics and it hasn't been put on the site. So if you ever get stuck there, message me too and I have a resource I can send you for that. Or you can always hire us to do it for you. If you're like I don't want to do this. But if you are like I'm not ready for Google Analytics yet, but I am going to make a Squarespace landing page and move my freebie you know, say it's in Flowdesk or whatnot that way, or if you're in ConvertKit, using ConvertKit forms and pages, change it over to where it's embedded. At least go the Squarespace route where you can see analytics, because I want you to just start paying attention to that. Those numbers. They do matter because they inform you.


I'm not someone who encourages people to get lost in the sauce of vanity metrics because a post can go viral in front of the entirely wrong audience for you, and now you have a bunch of people on your page. You're posting other things. It doesn't relate to them, but they're newer followers, so they're seeing the post Like. I'm not the person that's encouraging you to go viral and sharing strategies to do that. I believe in posting for the one, the person who needs the change, transformation, win that you can bring them, and then the others will follow. So it's my philosophy. But boy oh boy, do I look at the numbers and the data. It also helps you because then you're not going off feelings like, oh, I think this isn't going well or oh, I think that this is doing better. It's like you can look and know without a shadow of a doubt. You can see gosh in Google Analytics. You can see what type of phone they're using, what type of browser. If there are more people on mobile or desktop, is it more male versus female age demographics?


You may have a landing page that you think is so freaking beautiful on the old desktop computer and then you go in and find out that 82% of your site is mobile and you need to tweak some things like it. It's the best. I would say get it on your site, forget about it for a month, put a calendar appointment a month later to check in, and you will be amazed and you'll also be like holy moly, did not think that would be it. Or you may, it may confirm it. You may be, may be like, oh my gosh, I know everyone looks at my site on desktop and to that I would say, awesome, now you've confirmed it with data. So any questions that come up for you about data, about tracking etc. Definitely shoot me a dm on launch with jordan on instagram or shoot me an email and I'd be happy to answer it.


In the future I also think just setting up a simple, simple data tracker will be helpful and lovely so you can literally track, like page views, users, time on the site and just start looking at that over time hey, are people staying longer, hey, where are people dropping off? And I think you'll be really happy you did. And then as you grow, one day someone else can manage that for you and report on that for you and you just stay high level. But especially in the beginning, and I think, just even to be an informed business owner, it's like all right, what pages are people going to? Where are they dropping off? How long are they staying? Are they even going to the pages I want them to go to? And ooh, a bonus tip I thought of If you use Calendly, you can embed Calendly into a page on your site.


So then I have a client who we've done this for for her mastermind launch. If people were on the fence and wanted to chat with her first, what she did was she would just have them go on the page and three booked a call this month. So that's a 3% conversion rate when they go to book a call. Or it's 100 people and 10, 10%. I just want you to be armed with data so you can make good business decisions. That way it's a lot, a lot better than just guessing or like if you could see me now, like you, lick your finger and hold it to the, to the wind right, like Hmm, which way is the wind blowing me? It's like no, we make decisions in our business based on data and based on tweaking things and seeing how it can be be measurable and, of course, like reach and positive things people are saying and good testimonials and reviews. All that stuff matters. Revenue matters, profit matters. But freaking data, baby, that helps guide you to make those decisions that ultimately help you spend your money wisely so you can make even more money. And so that's my little TED talk of the day.


Let me know what you think. Again, let me know questions you have. I'd love, love, love to cover them and help you. However ever I can, cheering you on in your marketing and business journey and if you ever need more support or help, head to my site journey and if you ever need more support or help, head to my site launchwithjordancom. Book a call and let's chat.


Maybe you need CMO fractional CMO support. Maybe you need some ad support. Maybe you want to take a spin with ads yourself and get in clicks that count. I am here cheering you on every step of the way. Or maybe you're like, hey, I'm not in a place to invest, but I'm going to learn everything I can from this podcast, and to that I say welcome and I'm glad you're here. Hope you have a great rest of the day and that's a wrap. Thank you for listening. If you were inspired by this episode, be sure to check out the show notes for the linked resources and my free guide three ways to know you're ready for ads. If weekly episodes aren't enough for you and you want more of your favorite click magnet, you can connect with me over on Instagram at launchwithjordan. I host regular challenges and drop valuable tips that will help make your marketing click, connect and convert valuable tips that will help make your marketing click, connect and convert. And if you think it would inspire a friend, send it, share it just for clicks and giggles.