Clicks and Giggles | Your Backstage Pass to Digital Marketing Strategies

All About Our SECRET MOVE!

Jordan Rothwell Perry Episode 19

Secret move alert! Yep- we decided to leave our beloved Alpharetta and move to Florida. This episode captures the emotional highs and lows of that journey. You'll hear about the complexities of balancing work commitments while uprooting our lives, and how our faith guided us through each challenging (and exciting!) moment. 

Topics covered in this episode:

  • My recent move to Florida and the decision to keep it initially private.
  • The pivotal events that led to our move.
  • The challenges and decisions in finding a new rental home.
  • Balancing professional responsibilities amidst the transition.
  • The crucial role of professional help and coaching in making the move efficient.


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Speaker 1:

Welcome to the Clicks and Giggles podcast. I'm your host, jordan Rothwell-Perry, and I'm here to make your marketing click, connect and convert. My mission is to help good people with great offers make more money through paid digital marketing strategies. I truly believe that one ad can change everything for you and your business. Tune in weekly to unlearn what the bros and insert air quotes agency gurus have led you to believe about advertising and hear from inspiring women in my network who are making business a little more live, laugh, launch and a little less stuffy suit and tie, because nobody playing the long game is having a terrible time. Whether you're new to business making millions or you're just my mom tuning in for clicks and giggles, you are welcome here in the room. Get ready for a good time time. Welcome to the Clips and Giggles podcast.

Speaker 1:

Oh my gosh, the cat is out of the bag that we moved and getting cozy here in my office. It's 1047 on a Saturday night in June when I'm recording this. So we originally were going to keep under the radar that we have moved for a hot minute and settle in even more. I mean we've honestly. We've been in Florida for a couple of weeks now. Next week will be a month, which is wild. And then just with my clients doing a huge event, and some of my clients were there and friends were there. People were like where are you? Why aren't you here? And truly, truly, I had, we had moved and I was like I need to lay low and and unpack and be here and also, you know, was buying event ads during it, was buying ads to start right when the event ended, etc. So I needed two screens, knew I'd be working all that jazz. And so then, a friend, I were looking at each other the night the other night. I'm like I should just post that we moved and honestly, part of me needed a minute to not have to answer 5000 questions, because I feel like in my day to day job I'm already doing that and people who are parents are probably laughing because they're like, just wait, because your kids ask you a million questions. But there was that for me and I just kind of wanted to protect our time and protect our little family and settle in more before just doing things and going to dinners and getting together and double dates and coffee and all that jazz. So here we are and I'll just kind of talk through it. So when did this come to be?

Speaker 1:

I literally before that time of the month, would cry every month, missing my family for like three years, and then would be like, oh, that's why, and of course I miss them too. And so honestly, like the last probably six months to a year, it had gotten better, definitely once we moved to Alpharetta, which is a little north of Atlanta, I had friends around me and was in town with a big client of mine and like just we love, love, love, love alpharetta. I cannot say the same personally about warner robbins and like macon area. That just was too small of a town for me and that just is what it is right. And so Alpharetta was amazing and we honestly would love to live in Alpharetta. If I could move there with all my family tomorrow, we would be there, cried, cried, thinking about leaving because it's so great. One of my good friends there just had a baby right after we moved. It's beautiful, safe, clean, et cetera. But I just miss my family so much. And one of my brothers had a medical emergency big earlier this year and thank God he's okay and that just kind of spurred things along sooner.

Speaker 1:

So if we go back to December of 2023, brad was like, hey, I'm open to moving to Florida. And of course I'm like on Zillow and looking and thoughts and bulldozing and he's like I need you to give me, you know, 18 months. I need you to like pump the brakes. I'm like okay. And then when everything happened with my brother in February, I was like on Zillow right after that and came to just like help and do what I could be there for the family and just see them, because I miss them and actually found a place for rent, really loved it, like obsessed with it, right near my parents, but not too close, right near like just everything. It would have been perfect but they went with the person who was in front of us, which was the right thing to do as a good landlord and it just didn't work out and we were like that's okay, like that okay. And we had prayed from the beginning that everything would have to be like the Lord would just open doors, that God would open and close doors, and if it seemed difficult to get here, then it just wasn't the right time and that was okay. And so we were like all right, like that's a door closed, but it's totally fine. And so, gosh, you know that was February-ish March, and then the same month this girl I know posted on Facebook that they were going to rent their house out.

Speaker 1:

And so, for us, we used to own a house in middle Georgia. Brad bought it before we met. We sold it when we moved to Alpharetta. We've been renting a bit. We don't know what we want to do house-wise, and the housing market is freaking crazy. You cannot convince me otherwise. I think it's crazy to buy a house right now. I'd rather put all my eggs in the basket of my business and all that good stuff. So I was like, okay, you know, we know we want to rent. This person has a beautiful house. I know of her, we're Facebook friends, and so I literally like, booked a flight, went and looked at it, took videos Brad was at work so we couldn't FaceTime and was like, oh my gosh, this is great, it's a great deal, it's a great neighborhood, it's safe. Should we start a family in this house? It's perfect. I have an office, brad has an office, all this good stuff, and so it all worked out.

Speaker 1:

And so, yeah, we got leases going, got all this good stuff and then started packing, and all along we've been purging our old place in Alpharetta, because even after moving from the house, there's just so much stuff. And I'm just trying to like I honestly and you probably, feel the same way I don't understand how we accumulate so much freaking stuff. But we purged a lot. We had an amazing organization company who helped us, so I'd work in my office, hannah would be in the other rooms purging and packing, making piles for us to look through, etc. And I honestly cannot thank Alexis Greco enough Like I was going to talk about this at a different time, but it keeps popping in my head for keeping me organized and sane.

Speaker 1:

Because I did some coaching with her and she was like, oh my gosh, these are the stickers to get for the boxes. Like what if you did this? Here's this, here's this idea? Like, are you going to take new clients on during this time? Are you going to take new clients on during this time? Are you going to pause taking clients on? And she was like you just have to decide. And she just was great and coached me through it. And we're on a pause right now just while we're unpacking and settling and all this good stuff. I don't have any coaches right now and that's a story for another day baby. But I cannot thank her enough. I truly cannot recommend her enough just for helping me keep my head on straight, because I'll tell you what I can wheel and deal. I can market, I can help you work on some messaging, we can do a freaking bang up job on a website design, etc.

Speaker 1:

But sometimes in my own life, making a decision, I'm like I don't know, I'll think on it, I'll do this. And she was just like, hey, what if you decided by Thursday, yeah, let's go. So I'll let you say she's the greatest and if you have ever thought about working with her, you really should. She's great. So then, once we had all that set, it was just like let's freaking go and move. So we got here, we have been unpacking and I'm just so excited to in the future not yet join the chamber, get ingrained back in the community again, decide what that looks like.

Speaker 1:

That was also something with us moving back is like we are not going to my family's church. Brad's an Orthodox Christian and I'm heading in the direction of joining the Orthodox Christian church and that's how we want to raise our babies. If you don't know what that is, if you just look up, what is the church that Jesus left us with when he died that's what it is, and so it's really unchanged faith. More traditional died that's what it is, and so it's really unchanged faith, more traditional, not as much glitz and glam, flashy lights, fog machines et cetera, which has been interesting to adjust to. But it's funny. Before we met I actually was like trying to figure out a church. That wasn't that way and God has a funny sense of humor. But so we just we wanted to settle in and that's really it. So that's that's that.

Speaker 1:

We're super, super excited to be here. I mean, we're working a lot. He's studying for boards. I'm head down working on this business, making sure my clients are happy, and that is that. I'm excited for my in-laws to visit one day and show them around, and my sister-in-law and her husband have never been here, so that'll be super fun to show them. And Olivia Miller's going to come and hang out. So if you're ever in the Florida area, let me know, love, to grab coffee with you. And so, yeah, that's the update.

Speaker 1:

Secret move, secret, secret move. I'll tell you what it has me excited for. Secret baby down the road, just secret, just a lot of things And'll tell you what it has me excited for secret baby down the road, just secret, just a lot of things. And that has been interesting, balancing a life that's been more public and keeping this private and it was freaking fun and I want. It has shown me how great it is when you protect some things and keep them close to chest and then later share.

Speaker 1:

So not having a baby when I said that, but I think it would be freaking sweet to have a secret baby. Actually, this girl I follow, pretty Penny Accounting. She did a hard launch for baby after tax season and I was like that's what's up. That is freaking cool. So that's for the future Not yet, but yes.

Speaker 1:

So we live in Florida now Super excited.

Speaker 1:

We're like 15, 20 minutes from my parents, which is great.

Speaker 1:

Niece and nephew, I have some great clients here, one client who's working on her second business, which is just legit. So it just feels nice to be here. I'm excited to get some more local clients and just really plant some roots in a town that's been really good to me and I'm thankful that my husband was open and on board to coming here. So that is the story of Secret Move and I can't wait to update you more on this journey to Florida. Talk to you soon. Talk to you soon and that's a wrap. Thank you for listening. If you were inspired by this episode, be sure to check out the show notes for the linked resources and my free guide Three Ways to Know You're Ready for Ads. If weekly episodes aren't enough for you and you want more of your favorite click magnet, you can connect with me over on Instagram at launchwithjordan. I host regular challenges and drop valuable tips that will help make your marketing click, connect and convert. And if you think it would inspire a friend, send it, share it. Just for clicks and giggles eagles.