Clicks and Giggles | Your Backstage Pass to Digital Marketing Strategies

The Power of Color Analysis

Jordan Rothwell Perry Episode 23

Ever felt like your wardrobe just doesn’t quite align with you? That’s exactly the mystery I faced when I first got my color analysis done and was classified as a "winter" but felt something was amiss. Tune in to hear how I found out I'm actually an "autumn", this revelation resonated with my natural inclination towards deeper hues and autumn shades, completely transforming my wardrobe and boosting my confidence. If you’ve ever been curious about the impact of color analysis, this episode is a must-listen.

Topics covered in this episode:

  • My color analysis experience.
  • My personal style classification.
  • Tips for getting your colors done.
  • Impact on wardrobe and makeup.
  • How knowing my colors boosted my confidence.


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Speaker 1:

Welcome to the Clicks and Giggles podcast. I'm your host, jordan Rothwell-Perry, and I'm here to make your marketing click, connect and convert. My mission is to help good people with great offers make more money through paid digital marketing strategies. I truly believe that one ad can change everything for you and your business. Tune in weekly to unlearn what the bros and insert air quotes agency gurus have led you to believe about advertising and hear from inspiring women in my network who are making business a little more live laugh, launch and a little less stuffy suit and tie, because nobody playing the long game is having a terrible time. Whether you're new to business making millions or you're just my mom tuning in for clicks and giggles, you are welcome here in the room. Get ready for a good, good time. Hello, hello, welcome to the Clicks and Giggles podcast. Your host, jordan Rothwell-Perry, here, and this has been a very highly requested episode and I want to give the people what they want.

Speaker 1:

So this is about my color analysis and what happened in life since, which is funny because it is so trivial and it brings me so much joy, so let's just dive into it. So, in November of 2022, I got my colors done and I loved it. I loved the experience. Experience I was used to wearing a ton of black and it got me out of my comfort zone. And then, like 18 months after I got, or maybe a year after I got, my style done and I am a natural romantic, which means I like a lot of texture, but it's comfortable, kind of sexy Girl next door is very much the phrase that Sarah Krause uses to describe it in me, which is such a high compliment and kind of like your wing woman at the party, like you walk in, I'm grabbing your arm, I'm like, oh, you have to meet so-and-so, which is so cool because when I did some of my branding Alexa and I my past branding Alexa and I talked about being like your wing woman in marketing and so it just fit. So all that to say, loved it, love my clothing, personality, and if you are skeptical of color, at least do style, because all of it together makes getting ready so easy. But knowing your style is awesome and it just it makes shopping a breeze. Anywho, I digress back to this. So then, in February of this year, I bought myself advanced color for Valentine's day. Happy Valentine's day to me. I'm in the car with Brad, I don't even know if he knows I did that, but that was my gift to myself from Brad for Valentine's Day.

Speaker 1:

Anywho, life got busy. We knew we were moving back to Florida and so I was moving some things around. I knew I had to go to a advanced color before I moved all this good stuff. So I go. And you know I I was like, okay, what's my homework before I go? And Sarah's like okay, I want you to bring anything in your closet that, like you just feel doesn't make sense right now. Or you don't like, like okay. And I was on the phone with a friend that morning and I was like I just feel like everything in my closet just isn't right right now, I don't know.

Speaker 1:

So went to advanced color appointment with Sarah and she's like all right, what's going on? And I said what's going on? And I said I need you to re-drape me and prove to me that I am not a winter, like I've always wanted to. Like I'm like I'm a winter. I know I'm a winter, so dumb. Anywho, she's like okay. And so she's like what? What really is going on? I'm like I wear a ton of navy. I love navy on me. I love some of these deeper colors I had, since, since I had my colors, I dyed my hair back to my natural dark again and I just was like something feels off.

Speaker 1:

Sometimes when I do my makeup I feel like a clown, which is such a funny word to use. She's like, oh gosh, yeah, let's do this, this. So she does a couple drapes and she's like huh, and then she does a couple more. She starts taking pictures of me and I'm like okay, and she puts this like really deep, pretty purple on me and I said, oh, my gosh, I love that. Um, what is that winter?

Speaker 1:

And she like paused and looked at me and she said this is autumn. We were like what? And so we just looked at each other and I said, okay, huh, and she, you know, came over to me and looked me in the eye and was like hey, I, you know, if you're cool with it, I want to do your makeup as if you're in autumn and I'm going to like reverse, do the colors so that I'm going to put you in any of the worst colors for anyone who's not an autumn, like the, you know, geranium, bright reds, oranges, et cetera, and and just kind of go backwards and like, let's just see. And I was like, yeah, sure, what the heck. So she did my makeup and I was like, wow, I love this. Like it's when they do your makeup at house of color for your appointment. It's very like just natural every day. And I was like, oh, this looks so good.

Speaker 1:

I'd felt like my skin had been really red lately and it like neutralized it. I'm like all right, sweet. So, all that to say, she does my makeup and then she puts me in like this bright, reddish orange drape and it looks perfect. And we're just like looking at each other. And then she puts me in another orange, then she puts me in like a brick orange and we're like, oh my gosh, oh my gosh. Then we did like corals and all sorts of all the colors and we were like, oh boy, so I am an autumn and I am a dark blue autumn, which is the coolest of the warms. So, coolest of the warms.

Speaker 1:

I can actually still wear some of my silver jewelry, although I've switched back to gold and like most of it. Um, but the gold that I can wear is not like bright, shiny gold. It's more like hammered metal or it has some like detail to it to not make it as shiny and it's a more like brass look. So that's what the dark blue autumn does. Of course, I can wear all things autumn, but like that is my subtype. There are subtypes within House of Color. Let me tell you this within House of Color, let me tell you this dark blue autumn and autumn is the, the one I am is the coolest of the warm right. Well, when you look at me as a summer the ones that I shine in I am the warmest of the cool. So they like butt up against each other. I think that's the phrase. So they like butt up against each other. I think that's the phrase but or bud, but Okay, brad's nodding at me they butt up against each other.

Speaker 1:

And so I at my original photo when I was draped a summer. And here is a couple of things, and this will be your tip if you haven't gotten yours done it yet. At the time I was meeting with Kat and Macy from Guide Culture sales girls, and then I Ubered up north to Sarah's house to get my colors done before she had her studio, and I remember taking my makeup off in the Uber and being like oh, I don't want to scrub too hard because I don't want to make my face red because I wanted to come in with, like my natural skin tone. Make my face red because I wanted to come in with like my natural skin tone. That being said, when you look at my photo, you can tell that under my eyes I still have black eyeliner on, and if you look at my eyebrows they look a little penciled in. And then the biggest thing was I had used dry shampoo in my hair and my hair was bright blonde at the time and I got I had dry shampoo on my root and it looks like muddied.

Speaker 1:

Well, the biggest thing when figuring out your color analysis is they're putting, if you have color in your hair, they're putting like a little goofy bonnet on your head. You look like a pilgrim and I'm doing this as if you can see it. They pull it back, so your roots exposed. Well, the root that we saw that was supposed to be natural air quotes was literally looked like mud because of dry shampoo. So there was that. There was like the leftover residue from the eyeliner that wasn't really out and I like water, I like liked my waterline so hard back then and it just just looking at it it's like, oh, I can see this and I looked good as a summer, especially when I would go a little warmer in the summer tones, especially when I wore Navy, which Navy is? Every everyone has like their kind of like Navy-ish color, I guess, and I still wear Navy a ton now as an autumn. So it truly was. When you look at it now, it's like, oh, your roots. Though that was not your actual root, that was dry shampoo and then the residual eyeliner.

Speaker 1:

So now when I went for this last appointment, I didn't even put makeup on that day. I just like washed it off the day before and went totally bare face, like I would say, if you're going, don't like take your makeup off with a wipe, just like go in with the cleanest face possible. So I still have like 100% faith in the process. I love it so much and like, like I said this, true, it can happen. Um, and I also am freaking loving life as an autumn. It's been really fun. I know it seems trivial and goofy, but I'm a busy business owner and it makes getting dressed a breeze. It makes me feel so much better, I'm so confident in my colors and so why the heck not Right? The biggest things I've noticed is I dressed and I didn't dress like an autumn. That's not right. I did my makeup like an autumn.

Speaker 1:

But what Sarah pointed out is like no one looks worse than an autumn someone in autumn makeup wearing black, because it is just so freaking harsh so I'm gonna have to post some pictures on my personal and and link it. But when you see the autumn makeup, it's like oh my gosh, it looks so good. And then it's like jarring with this black top or this black shirt. I think about meeting Brad for the first time. We met at the airport and I like had this beautiful makeup. I took a selfie. I still have it before I met him and then like this black dress and it's like kind of like corpsey. So that was a dead giveaway too. When I went back and looked at the makeup, I'm like, oh, my makeup before was an autumn. I just literally looked dead. But all that to say, I'm happy as an autumn. I love it.

Speaker 1:

I donated some clothes that didn't work for me, gave some away and now I'm slowly but surely building up my wardrobe. Brad was like oh Lord, because I went to Old Navy Target, sheen all that good stuff, but I've kind of pumped the brakes a little bit and I'm looking for certain pieces. But, man, there's no highlight. Getting your colors done, I'll tell you that. And now that I've done it twice, I'll say both times were very fun.

Speaker 1:

So if you're on the fence about color analysis, I don't want this to deter you at all. I want you to go in with the cleanest face, no eyeliner underneath, don't do dry shampoo like. Have your real roots showing and I'm just excited for more people to just be able to shine, knowing their best colors. It just makes it so much easier to get ready. Tooad is a dark summer and so until I became officially in autumn, all of our clothes look the same, which was funny in the washer. But now there's a little distinction, which is nice.

Speaker 1:

So I think also, when I talk about color analysis, the biggest thing people say is like oh, I don't want to give up black. I and I totally understand like I too didn't want to give up black, and once you see how you look in the better than black colors, you're like oh gosh, like, for me it's like chocolate brown, which looks so good. A navy like I would. I just would never, could never go back. There's, there's no way, and I. I truly have like two black dresses in my closet now. I have one that I have for funerals and I honestly would probably wear Navy to a funeral going forward now, and then I have the black sundress I wore when I met Brad, because that's nostalgic to me. So, other than that, she gone anywho, message me any questions you have about, uh, color analysis. It's my hobby also. It's like literally an illness, but I'm obsessed. So, yeah, that is the story of how I became a freaking autumn.

Speaker 1:

Now I'm gonna go back for actual advanced color analysis in a couple months and hang with my girl, sarah, and I'll report back on that. That, just like, is where you troubleshoot some different color combos. You find out even better color combinations. We're going to order some clothes and accessories when we're together and I'm so excited I think I'm back down total like 33 pounds down total since my heaviest and I kind of want to go once I'm like'm back down total like 33 pounds down total since my heaviest and I kind of want to go once I'm like over the down 50 pounds or a little more as a little incentive. So that is.

Speaker 1:

We talk about clicks and giggles. That's making me giggle right now Happy in my autumn clothes. She's an autumn folks. I'll talk to you guys soon and hope you enjoyed this little fun episode of clicks and cables, and that's a wrap. Thank you for listening. If you were inspired by this episode, be sure to check out the show notes for the linked resources and my free guide three ways to know you're ready for ads. If weekly episodes aren't enough for you and you want more of your favorite click magnet, you can connect with me over on Instagram at launchwithjordan. I host regular challenges and drop valuable tips that will help make your marketing click, connect and convert. And if you think it would inspire a friend, send it, share it just for clicks and giggles.