Clicks and Giggles | Your Backstage Pass to Digital Marketing Strategies

5 Strategies for Thriving as an ADHD Business Owner

Jordan Rothwell Perry Episode 33

Ever feel like your brain is in overdrive, running in ten different directions at once? Trust me, I’ve been there. In this episode, I’m sharing my journey as a business owner with ADHD. I’ll talk about my diagnosis, how it’s impacted my life, and the strategies I’ve developed to not only manage it but thrive in my business. I’ll walk you through the techniques that work for me, like batching tasks, using “pulls” to stay motivated, and keeping myself organized with tools like Asana and good old-fashioned notepads. I’ll also talk about the importance of giving yourself grace and my experience with medication. Whether you have ADHD or just feel a little scattered while running your business, I’ve got practical tips and inspiration to help you out.

Topics covered in this episode:

  • Introduction to ADHD in Entrepreneurship
  • Viewing ADHD as a Superpower
  • Batching Work to Enhance Productivity
  • Time Management and Structured Workweeks
  • Use of Pulls for Motivation (thanks Coach Amber B! Check out her interview here on the podcast - Episode 13)
  • Using Notepads and Digital Tools for Organization
  • Planning for the Week Ahead vs Daily Planning
  • Giving Yourself Grace


Thanks for listening to Clicks and Giggles!

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